The American Postal Workers Union is having a National Election to elect our national officers. Our branch of the union, Western Colorado Area Local #600, is having a drawing to try to get “YOU” our members, to vote. The drawing will include two $100.00 prizes. The election committee in Washington DC will draw 2 envelopes out of our local’s ballots then will let our local know which envelopes were drawn and then Western Colorado Area Local will issue the checks. I hope your name is drawn, who couldn’t use a little extra money.
The ballots will be mailed to you at your home address next week, so please when you get the ballot, fill it out and put it in the mail. You work at the post office, so bring it to work with you or drop it in your mailbox at home but PLEASE VOTE.
In Union Solidarity,
Lelia Barrow Garcia, President
Western Colorado Area Local #600
PO Box 4009
Grand Junction CO 81502-4009