Weingarten Rights: Your Right to Union Representation
The Supreme Court’s Weingarten decision guarantees your right to union representation during investigatory interviews. Here’s what you need to know:
Your Rights During Investigatory Interviews
- You have the right to request union representation before or during any investigatory interview
- After you request representation, your employer must:
- Grant the request and pause the interview until your union representative arrives
- End the interview immediately
- Give you the choice to either:
- Continue the interview without representation, or
- End the interview
Important: If your employer denies your request for representation but continues the interview, you have the right to refuse to answer questions.
Protection from Workplace Harassment
Every employee has the legal right to work in an environment free from harassment and hostility.
If You Experience Workplace Harassment
- Review Your Rights: Download and read the APWU’s “Improving Your Workplace Environment” booklet to understand your rights and available actions
- Document Everything: Keep detailed records of any incidents, including dates, times, and witnesses
- Seek Support: If you’re experiencing workplace harassment:
- Contact your local Union Steward
- Reach out to a Union Officer
- Follow the procedures outlined in the APWU workplace harassment guide
Note: Contact your local APWU representative if you need assistance accessing these resources or have questions about your rights.